Covid update
Although covid restrictions are easing from July 19th, we are keen to keep our services running as smoothly as possible. We are a small, specialist team and even one or two self isolations would close the practice. For this reason we are continuing to operate with a number of changes.
Minimising the number of people in the practice
When arriving at the practice, if possible please call us on 02088769696 to let us know you have arrived. We know are phones are super busy, so if not please ring the door bell! If you have travelled by car we would ask you to please wait in the car. We can let up to two households at a time to wait in reception if you have come by public transport.
Remote consultations
We are currently not allowing clients into the consultation room with their pets as it is not possible to adhere to social distancing in this situation. A nurse or receptionist will take some details and collect your pet, where a vet will examine your pet. The consultation findings will then be relayed to you in reception or outside as appropriate.
New clients and referrals
We have halved the number of daily consultations in order to minimize the number of clients waiting at one time. For this reason, we have quite a shortage of appointments. Existing clients can call as normal to book an appointment. We will always prioritise urgent or emergency appointments, so please bear with us if less urgent treatment carries more delays than normal.
For new rabbit and exotic animal clients, we are currently experiencing exceptionally high demand. To ensure we can continue to see the patients that need us the most, we are currently only offering referral appointments which are priced at £150. This means your pet must have been seen a local GP vet who will have assessed your pet and provided treatment as necessary - if then they deem your pet needs specialist care then we can make an appointment for you. In most cases (routine, simple or less urgent treatment) you may find it quicker and cheaper to try your local vet anyway.
For new cat and dog clients, we only have limited appointments available but please do call us to check availability. We may not be able to see you if the treatment is urgent, but we will do our best to fit in more routine care.
For wildlife casualties, we can currently only offer drop off euthanasia appointments. This service continues to be free of charge.
People in self isolation , those showing symptoms or Covid-19 confirmed cases
We ask you not to attend the practice in person, but rather telephone us for advice first. It may be more suitable for a friend or relative to bring your pet in if required. Please inform us in this instance so we can take appropriate PPE measures.
Repeat prescriptions
We are currently not experiencing any shortage of veterinary medicines and so there is no need to stockpile meds. We are receiving less frequent wholesale deliveries, so please give us as much notice as possible for repeat prescriptions.
Coronavirus and pets
We would advise checking current guidance from the WHO, RCVS and BVA. There is currently no evidence that pets play a role in coronavirus transmission to humans, but we would advise sensible precautions in handling pets if people are self-isolating or have confirmed coronavirus. Washing hands and maintaining distance from pets is advisable. Ferrets may be more susceptible to Covid-19 and we would suggest ferret owners follow current DEFRA guidance.