Think exotic referrals.
Think CJ Hall Vets.
CJ Hall Vets offers an exotics referral service for rabbits, rodents, other small mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and zoo species.
How do I refer a case?
We are all busy people, so we want the referral process to be as easy as possible! Please send the clinical history, any diagnostic imaging or lab results to . If the case is urgent, please call reception on 02088769696 to ensure we can see your patient. For more routine appointments, after sending the history, please ask the client to call us to arrange a mutually convenient time.
How much is a referral and when do you have appointments?
Consultations are £150. Please contact us if your require an estimate for your case.
Referral appointments are available Monday - Friday 8.30 - 16.30 and Saturday morning 8.30 - 11.00. We do not offer out of hours referrals.
Which clinicians see referrals?
Our senior vets Matthew Fiddes and Vivek Basu see referral cases. We are happy to accommodate requests for specific clinicians, however this may not be possible in urgent and emergency cases.
What sort of cases do you see?
We are happy to accept all cases, from those practices that are not comfortable seeing exotics through to advanced medical and surgical treatments. The following are a few of our more common referrals to give an idea of our scope
Rabbit dental abscesses
Incisor/ molar extractions, imaging, marsupialisation of abscess, long term topical and systemic antibacterials, gold standard anaesthesia, in patient care prevent/ manage GI hypomotility.
Rabbit corrective dental burring
Imaging to aid prognosis, extractions/apicectomy if appropriate, long term muti-modal analgesia
Guinea pig bladder stones
Imaging, blood tests for renal function, cytotomy, urethral surgery, nephrectomy, dietry and medical management to prevent recurrence
Rabbit lateral wall resection / bulla surgery
Rat respiratory disease
Imaging, blood testing, combination antibiotics, ancillary treatments such as nebulisation
Pygmy hedgehog neoplasia
Surgical resection (oral SCC and variety of uterine tumours common), injectable (non IV) and oral chemotherapy
Tortoise spays
Imaging to diagnose pre and post ovulatory stasis, medical managment egg binding, plastrotomy for surgical ‘spay’, post operative management including IO fluids, oesophagostomy tube placement
Tortoise post hibernation anorexia
Imaging, blood testing, viral/mycoplasma testing, faecal parasitology in patient care (heat and UV provision), oesophagostomy tube placement
Snake respiratory disease
Tracheal wash, viral testing
Avian respiratory disease
Imaging, blood testing (very useful even in budgies), diagnostic endoscopy with biopsy, medical treatment of Aspergillosis (modern azoles, nebulisation, in patient care)
Avian orthopaedics
IM pin placement in patient as low as 30 grams, IM tie in fixators most common in birds over 150g